
Showing posts from January, 2023

Beauty Standards: Japan vs Korea

At first glance, both Japan and South Korea seem to bear many similarities. Both countries are steeped in rich histories and traditions, of which China had a huge role to play. The two cultures are similar in language structure, education system, societal structure, and perhaps, concern for public image. Like they say in Mandarin, “家丑不可外扬”, which translates to never airing your family’s dirty laundry in public. That was the Chinese mentality, that the Japanese and Korean share. Similarities between Korean and Japanese Beauty Standards Both nations favor fair-skinned women. Small V-shaped face, big eyes, double eyelids, and long hair. That possibly sums up the magic formula for what is considered pretty in both countries. Both the Japanese and Korean seem to favor slim body types for females. A Korean friend once told me she struggled to find a suitable colored foundation for her skin tone, and mind you, she was pretty fair, but apparently a notch darker than the typical Korean wo

Japanese Clothes Online

 Are you looking to stay fashionable with the latest trends in Japanese fashion? Are you curious about the hottest new streetwear being worn in Tokyo? Buying Japanese clothes online is a great way to get your hands on the unique and eclectic styles of Japan. Here are some of the best places to shop for Japanese clothing online: Uniqlo Uniqlo is an e-commerce site that features fashion from some of Japan’s most innovative designers. Their selection includes a range of items, from everyday basics to high-end statement pieces.  Uniqlo was founded in 1949 in Ube, Yamaguchi, Japan as a textiles manufacturer called Ogori Shōji. In 1984, the company opened a unisex casual wear store in Hiroshima called 'Unique Clothing Warehouse'. Since then, Uniqlo has grown to become a global brand with over 1,900 stores worldwide. The company focuses on designing, manufacturing, and retailing casual wear. Uniqlo has generally received negative reviews from customers, with many citing poor custo

Yukio Mishima – The Infamous Japanese Author and His Theatrical Suicide

Do you know of Yukio Mishima – the acclaimed Japanese author who made headlines in 1970 when he committed seppuku? Why was Yukio Mishima controversial? He was famously known as the last person to commit seppuku which was foreshadowed by his film Patriotism, where a general and his wife commit seppuku.   On November 25, 1970, Mishima shocked thousands of people with his words and actions by dramatically committing suicide at Tokyo's Ichigaya military facility.  How did Yukio Mishima Die Everything culminated on the 25th of November 1970 when he and four other members of the Tatenokai entered a military base in Tokyo of the Eastern Command of the Japan Self-defense forces and held hostage the camp commandant.  He wanted to inspire the defense force to start a coup and restore the power of the emperor which was greatly reduced after the American occupation. While on the balcony of the camp, in full regalia of a Japanese headband Hachimaki and formal military-style wear, he delivere

Haruki Murakami and Cats. The Popular Author's Fascination with Our Feline Companion

Just like everybody else, my introduction to Japanese literature is through Haruki Murakami’s books. I was enamored by his writing style which blends mysticism and realism. His writing is almost proud of its contradiction, his straightforward prose yet perplexing fictional world full of talking animals, super frogs, and reality-shattering earthquakes. One animal Murakami has a special fondness for is the cat. Cats are a staple of many of his works from the heroic antics of Nakata in Kafka on the Shore (2002), an old mentally handicapped man who employs the help of cats to search for lost pets to a lost domestic cat in The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle (1994) taking the center stage. Like everything literary, we as the audience are welcome to speculate and extract our own meaning from novels. So, what is up with Murakami’s cats? Cats as Complex creatures There is something captivating about a cat’s often contradictory behavior, its distant nature, and sporadic affections, one will never kn

Is Japan Safe for Muslim Students?

Are you a Muslim student looking to study abroad in Japan? You may be asking yourself: is Japan safe for Muslims and how accommodating are they to different cultures? Japan is generally considered a safe country for Muslim students. It is a country with a low crime rate and a strong emphasis on respect and safety. There are many mosques and Islamic centers throughout the country, and halal food options are widely available. The oldest mosque in Japan was built in 1935 by a small community of Muslim residents in the city of Yokohama, who have been there for over 150 years. They arrived in Japan in the late 19th century as sailors and traders from the Middle East and South Asia and established themselves as a community in the port city. The mosque has a unique architectural design that combines elements of Japanese and Islamic styles, and it has been designated as an Important Cultural Property by the Japanese government. The Muslim community in Japan is small but vibrant, and they

Why Japanese Office Supplies Are The Best in The World?

Did you know the largest marker pen was from the Japanese stationery manufacturer, Zebra at 1.684m long (5 ft 6.3 in) and weighing 17.48 kg (38 lbs) to celebrate their 120th anniversary? Why is Japanese stationery so highly sought after and beloved? From planners to pens, Japan has become a worldwide hub for quality stationery products and accessories. In this article, we'll look at some of the reasons why Japanese stationery stands out among its counterparts from around the world. Japanese stationery is such high quality because of the attention to detail that goes into its production. The paper used in traditional stationery is carefully selected, with an emphasis on smoothness, strength, and longevity. The ink and pigments are also formulated to create vivid colors and intense hues while still being easy to use and blend. Japanese stationeries are also known for its innovative designs that make writing more enjoyable. For decades, Japanese stationery has been coveted by tho

Samurai Facts And Myths

Samurai have become legendary figures in popular culture, inspiring films, comics, and video games. But what are the facts and myths about this ancient warrior class? Here's a look at some samurai facts and myths: Samurai Facts Samurai were a class of warriors in feudal Japan who were trained in martial arts and were known for their loyalty and honor. However, not Samurai were not purely warriors as some were also bureaucrats and administrators. They were educated and were expected to be well-versed in poetry, literature, and other arts. Samurai followed a strict code of conduct called bushido, emphasizing loyalty, courage, and respect. The Bushido philosophy refers to not fearing death and dying for valor. It is sometimes criticized for disrespecting human life. Samurai were known for their distinctive hairstyle called a chonmage, which involved shaving the front of the head and growing the hair long at the back, which was then tied up in a topknot. Samurai were not allowed

Ramen Noodles Fun Facts And Myths

Ramen is a dish made of wheat-based noodles in soup. It originates from Japan and is served in virtually every part of the world, with different countries offering various flavors based on local ingredients. Here are some interesting facts and myths about the iconic ramen that you may not have known. Ramen Facts Ramen noodles were first introduced to Japan by Chinese immigrants in the late 19th century. The popularity of ramen was further cemented after World War II when many Japanese soldiers returning from China brought back recipes they picked up there. According to Guinness World Records , the longest strand of fresh ramen ever achieved clocked in at 3,084 m (10,119 ft 1.92 in) by Xiangnian Food Co. Ltd in China using 40 kg of bread flour, 26.8 liters of water and 0.6 kg of salt. Does ramen make you fat? Ramen makes you fat because the noodle is basically carbohydrate and for instant ramen, the noodle is usually deep fried.  The four main types of ramen – Shōyu (soy sauce), Sh

Kimono Interesting Facts

To understand the significance of the kimono in Japanese culture, it's important to know some of its interesting facts. From the color-coded significance used by ancestral Japanese clans to the method of wearing it properly, this article takes a deeper look at the fascinating world of the kimono. Read on to find out more interesting facts about one of Japan's most iconic pieces of clothing. Kimonos are traditional Japanese clothing. The word "kimono" literally translates to "thing to wear," and they are usually worn by both men and women during ceremonies, formal occasions, and festivals throughout Japan. Here are several interesting facts about the kimono that you might find interesting: Kimonos Can Be Worn By Both Men & Women Unlike many cultures where clothing typically identifies a gender role within society; unlike many countries; men and women can both wear kimonos on special occasions meaning both males and females are seen wearing this disti

Exploring the Honour Culture of Japan

 What values do the people of Japan cherish and strive to uphold? What is honor culture? Japan is an exemplary case study of an honor-based society. Japan's deeply entrenched honor culture has been evident since ancient times. Traditionally, Japanese society values harmony, politeness, and respect, emphasizing loyalty and personal relationships. Japanese people constantly strive to adhere to social customs and expectations that consider the good of the collective rather than individualistic desires. Despite its rapid modernization, it has retained many of its traditional values, one which we will talk about today, the struggle between Tatemae and Honne, a distinction crucial in many aspects of Japanese life. So, what is Tatemae and Honne? This dichotomy is an enduring struggle in Japanese culture, something that outsiders find difficult to navigate around. It is essentially the conflict between the private and public self, a struggle between individual expression against soci

Moving to Japan: What to Bring?

Planning on moving to Japan? Congratulations! Japan is an amazing country with a unique culture and rich history. It's also a great place to live, with a high standard of living and a safe, orderly society. In today's post, we'll go over some of the most important things to think about as you prepare to move to Japan, including what to bring with you and how to make the most of your time in this fascinating country. One of the first things you'll want to consider as you prepare to move to Japan is what to bring with you. It's important to pack light since you'll likely be paying for excess baggage fees on your flight. You should also think carefully about what you'll need once you arrive in Japan, since some things may be difficult to find or more expensive there. Here are 7 things you might want to consider bringing with you! Cash Clothing Electronics Personal items Kitchen items Souvenirs A plan of what to do! Cash It's a good idea to br

Solo Travel to Japan As a Felon

Perhaps in your youth, young and naive, you drank and drove. Perhaps you dappled in the drug trafficking industry. Now, years later, after serving your sentence and your probation period, you wish to leave all that behind. You wish to travel and explore the world after being cooped up for years. Japan, the land of delicious food and lovely experiences is at the top of your list. Yet, your criminal record stands in your way: can felons travel and enter Japan? In this article, we wish to address this query and suggest alternatives and methods help such readers who may be in a similar situation. Can felons enter Japan? Interestingly, Japan has one of the strictest laws in relation to allowing felons entry into their land. Whether or not you will be denied entry would depend heavily on the nature of your offense and the severity of it. You will be denied entry into Japan if you fall into any of the following categories: You have been convicted of a violation of any law of any coun

How Tea Is Oxidized [Guide]

Have you ever wondered what goes into making a cup of tea? Going beyond the preparation of the leaves, many people overlook a very important step in the process, oxidation. Oxidation is an essential component of tea production; it is the act of allowing tea leaves to come into contact with oxygen, which causes them to oxidize. This process not only affects the flavor and color of teas but can also change some of their health benefits as well. Unlike other drinks like wine and beer that have long-established oxidation processes, there are many different methods on how to oxidize tea. In this article, we will explore how tea is oxidized as well as look at how oxidation changes depending on the variety or method used. We will examine oxidation's effect on different types of tea leaves and their flavors and aromas as well as potential health benefits that can be gained from properly oxidized teas. How to oxidize tea Have you ever left a half-eaten apple on the counter, only to ret

Can You Drink Alcohol in Japan

Kanpai! Kanpai! This word signals the fun and cheer of a good drinking party, where friends gently clink their glasses together and shout this familiar word. Japan’s drinking culture is a force to reckon with. From beer to sake, to Japanese Whiskeys, Japan is a land of paradise for people who enjoy a good drink. Drinking is an important and essential part of Japan’s culture — company drinking parties are highly commonplace, with workplaces making use of drinking as a way to bring co-workers closer together and encourage company bonding. Such an experience is endearingly called Nomikai (飲み会). Even in the working sector, drinking is such an integral aspect of it, which is a testament to the powerful drinking culture that Japan is home to. In this article, we will be educating readers on Japan’s laws on drinking, Japan’s drinking etiquette, and some noteworthy aspects of Japan’s drinking culture. Legal drinking age In Japan (as of 2023), the legal age to drink is 20, which is general

Host and Hostess Clubs For Foreigners In Japan

 If you’ve ever been to Japan, you would have seen the bright, eye-catching street signs on every busy street, showing a group of pretty girls. Perhaps you have been approached by some men while walking along Dotonbori, their bleached hair and pretty faces indicating the nature of their jobs. This is one of the biggest parts of Japan’s bustling nightlife: Host and Hostess Clubs. A hostess club is a type of nightclub found in Japan. Here, the young female staff is employed, and these girls entertain and chat with men. The men generally seek entertainment, company, drinks, and attention. Host clubs are generally the same as hostess clubs, except that here, young men are working to cater to the needs of females.  Paying a visit to the host and hostess club for foreigners Can foreigners visit host or hostess clubs? Yes, but not all clubs will allow it, especially if you don't speak Japanese. This is because the ability to communicate without a language barrier between the host(e

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